class Solution {
bool wordPattern(string pattern, string s) {
unordered_map<char, string> mapP2S;
unordered_map<string, char> mapS2P;
int i = 0;
int l = 0, r = 0;
int n = s.size();
while(l < n && r < n){
// Split the string by space
while(s[r] != ' ' && r < n) r++; // ensure r range
string sub = s.substr(l, r - l); // blank index to left index
// if pattern and string are all not recorded before, record it
if(mapP2S.find(pattern[i]) == mapP2S.end() && mapS2P.find(sub) == mapS2P.end()){
mapP2S[pattern[i]] = sub;
mapS2P[sub] = pattern[i];
} else {
// if pattern or string are not mapping correctly, return false
if(mapP2S[pattern[i]] != sub || mapS2P[sub] != pattern[i]){
return false;
i++; // pattern index increment
while(s[r] == ' ' && r < n) r++; // move to next vocabulary
l = r; // left index moves to right
// Check if pattern uses completely
if(i != pattern.size()) return false;
return true;